
The COVID-19 pandemic has made it clear that healthcare needs to be regarded as a human right. Its accessibility should not be limited to only those who can afford it. While Illinois has made great strides in providing access to healthcare, it is critical that we ensure every member within our community has access to care that meets their needs, whether it is making prescription medication more affordable or providing treatment of a preexisting condition. 

As State Representative, Nabeela will...

  • Close loopholes that allow insurers to circumvent regulations and charge absurd amounts for insulin

  • Target disparities in health outcomes by advocating for culturally responsive community health programs

  • Advocate for shortening the waiting period for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) to expand access to health insurance for children

  • Conduct multilingual outreach and engagement programs with under-enrolled communities to identify barriers to enrolling in health insurance and plan for solutions

  • Advocate for paid family leave, which is proven to reduce rates of child mortality, increase gender pay equity, and increase financial stability for Illinois families